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Tuesday 16 July 2013

Wake Up Late!! This is the TIPS for Clothing*BTS Misscelaneous

Hello guys ;)

A lot of you guys has been requested for this topic. And I made it for you guys.
So, let's get started..

When, I know I must stay up 'till late time 1 o'clock maybe just for the essay or project, I realize that the morning after it, I'm gonna wake up so late. So, here's my go to outfits when I wake up so freakin' late.

I'll divide in two part. Part 1, will be late in cold weather, such as Rainy day. And Part 2, will be late in Summer or Hot time. So, here it is.

1. Cold Time/Rainy Day

When, I know I woke up late and I will run into my bathroom, then after I put some touch up, I will grab my Comfy Sweater or Sweatshirt, Pattern Jeggings, Dark washed Jeggings and just simple flats or Rain boots (if it really rain). hahaha. But, since I was in College, I have to dress up really properly. Means, I have to wear shirt on it. But, some Professors let the student, wear any outfits as long is proper and clean polite.

Inner Button Up Shirt

a. Black

b. White Shirt

a. Comfy Sweater

Comfy Sweater, it's my best friend. 'Cause it's comfy and easy to wear when it late. But, when the schedule showed the Professor, who's very discipline, I will put shirt on it as an Inner. Colar should be in College and discipline Professor guys. *Remember that. But, when the Professor, it's stay easy as long as proper and clean polite, I will wear this.

b. Sweatshirt

I really love this type of top though. But, I really rarely wearing this type at class. Because, you know.. hahaha I'd like to wear it when I've got a field trip in the morning and always cold. So, I pick this one and I used to pair it with my converse high top.

c. Jeggings

Dark Washed Jeggings

Light Washed Jeggings

I paired this kind of jeggings with my sweatshirt and sometimes with my sweater. But, when I paired with my plain sweater, it looked really plain and boring. So, I've got the alternative to pair it with Pattern Pants Jeggings such as Flower desingn or plaid. To give it more pop up. 

d. Pattern Pants Jeggings

Floral Pants Jeggings

Plaid Pants Jeggings
I choose to pair this kind of thing with my plain sweater. 'Cause my must have sweater is Black and White one. Kept it simple but not plain guys ;)

When it, really cold but not rain, I choose this flat to make my feet comfy.

f. Sneakers

This is the alternative, when I'm not feeling wearing flat to school guys. hahaha

g. Rain Boots

Short Boots

Tall Boots

I will wear this kind of this thing when it heavy rain or just rainy. Because, I will get soaking wet if not wearing this. Ahh.. School it's freaking cold ya know.

2. Summer or Hot Day

If, the weather it's hot during the summer time, I will choose Polo T-Shirt with Cardigan on it just in case when it got chilly, Jeggings and some type of flat or my fav converse.

a. Polo T-Shirt

Polo's T-Shirt it's always simple and easy to grab in my wardrobe. Pair it with jeggings and put it cardigan on it with a converse or flat, gonna be so presentable and polite yet clean.

b. Cardigan

Pattern cardigan, gonna be so cool during wearing your plain Polo's T-Shirt guys, made them little bit pop out and cute.

So, that's all.. I hope you guys enjoying this kind of tips and find it helpful.
And stay creative guys..


You can also find me on :

Twitter and Instagram ; @ChickaArchie to keep tracking my newest story. hahaha

Sunday 14 July 2013

Pick Between Backpack or Tote Bag *BTSMisscelaneous

I'm back again, with Back To School Series.. hhahahha
Okay, a lot of you guys has been requested in my Twitter, DM me etc.. blah..blah..blah.. to give more detailing how to pick the bag, especially the school bag, between the Basic Normal Backpack and Tote Bag.

So, let's cut the scene and let's get started ;)

1. Backpack 
For me, I used backpack when the time I've got my project to submitting to the professor, when I was bringing my laptop and when I have to submitting my project for my lab. The reason why I carrying backpack on that day, because I won't to carrying extra project even the laptop along my arm. 'Cause for me that was ridiculous. You can put it in your bag girl, c'mon. hahaha..

(+) Sides :

1. You can carry a lot more stuff in here without afraid to mixed each other

(-) Sides : 

1. I found, bringing the backpack, it's really heavy when I've got a lot the things that I should carrying. Project, laptop in one day.

Suggestions :

1. Make sure the bag have a tons of room, so you're not putting the things in one space.
2. Make sure the strap, really comfy for your back. Not too small and not to large.

2. Tote Bag

For me, sometimes I using Tote Bag, when I've got no project to submit and when I left my laptop in a home. So, I carrying this thing. Because it's very simple yet, classy. And why must backpack, if I just carrying the Binder, folder and Pencil Pouch. hahaha

 (+) Sides : 

1. You can carry the things that you really needs.
2. It's way not heavy than a backpack.

(-) Sides : 

1. I found the tote bag, when you were carried a lot of stuff, the strap will be easy to ripped and broken.
2. You can't carrying a lot of stuff.

Suggestions :

1. Choose or Purchase the good quality tote bag. Not have to the expensive one. You can, check it from the material on it and how strong the quantity of it.
2. If you want to taking care of your tote bag realistically, you can wash it every 2 weeks. Make sure it's hand washing. If it was made from leather or faux leather, you can rub it with the water :). 

I hope you guys enjoying my newest tips. And I hope you guys find it helpful ;)
Keep smiling and LOVE

Saturday 13 July 2013

My Top 3 Summer Bash Clothing *Misscelaneous

Here guys, I'm back again with some fashion tips. Hahaha

So, let's cut the scene, I will give you some info, how I combine my shorts, long sleeve and etc. Let's get started :D

1. Day is Yellow Hot

So, I paired with my Knit Stripped Colar Cream and Black Top with some kind a High Waisted Acid Washed Short. Then, I didn't showed you the shoes that, I wore in this outfits, hehe, but I just wore a black flat to finished of.

2. Denim VS White

Denim White top, for me, it's my top essential have to have in all girls wardrobe though. So, it's the most simple outfits. I paired this Oversized White Print Tee and I rolled the sleeve to make it, edgy with a pair of Dark Washed Low Waisted Short and also I rolled it too. hahaha
It's simple yet, classy to go guys. hahaha

3. Long... What?

I know, I already put this outfits on my Instagram, and just in case you guys want to detailed of it and I know, it's crazy, wearing Long "Things" in Summer day, but Idk, I just loved this outfits put together at all. hahaha So, I paired this Olive Oyl Ligh Yellow Long Sleeve with a pair of Dark Grey Pixie Pants.

So, I hope you guys enjoyed this blog and always,, eeehemmm, find this helpful and inspirational. hahaha

Enjoying guys

Find me on :
Twitter : @ChickaArchie
Instagram : @ChickaArchie

Pick a Method Guide Between Binder instead of Notebook *BTSMisscelaneous

Hello guys, I know I've been MIA lately, 'cause I've been busy with my Exam lately, and I didn't have a time to write in this black sheet again. hahaha, But, never mind, I already back now. I know, school gonna be starting around this August, but, It doesn't matter to starting earlier right? hahaha

I'll start my own class probably, on September 9th 2013.. Yuhuuu long Summer-Fall holiday at all :D

So, first of all, I just want to talk to you guys, about Pick a Method Guide Between Binder instead of Notebook. So, I've using this both method, and worked it in variously method.

So, I'm gonna show you, what I used early, since I entered the college's life.
First of all, I used the binder and clear folder method in the term I. I found this method, really helps me a lot. But, there are plus and minus things about it.

Binder System : For the plus side : The binder system is the easiest way to used. because it's simple and yet practical. You're not to worry if your papers and your note taking stuff, did not
lost and spread all over it. But, for the minus side : the binder found it heavy in your bag. Because, they're lot more heavy and you had to carry a lot of papers, as your supplies.

For the clear folder : plus : you can keep the papers that you've got and keep it safely and organized. and also, you can used some tabs, to mark your papers by each categories or
your subject. I really find it helpful :D *Note : if you take care of the sheet protector on 'em you can use it every single term without wriped the plastic on 'em.
Minus side : I found the clear holder usually, little bit pricy than basic or normal paper folder.but, they're soooo soooo goood for taking care of your papers.

On, the next term,, I used the notebook and the zipper folder method.

Oh my gosh, I found this method was so horrriiiiiible for me. I cannot stand in more than one notebook. I didn't recommend to you guys, if you kind of person like me.
I was simple person, who cannot stand, in a thousand notebooks or folders. I found that method, has been very....very...very distracting and crazy for me. So, let's see how it worked for me..

5 Subjects Notebook with 1 subject notebook

Notebook System : Plus side : You can, divided your subject each class. And you can carry by your subject during the class schedule. A.K.A not heavy at all guys. You can pick between 1 subject notebook or 3 or 5 subject notebook. It's depending on your class guys :D
Minus side of it : It's when you ran out of the papers, you can't adding your loose paper into your notebook, because they had a permanent system of spiraling of something. And for me adding more loose paper and put 'em in the folders are MESSSSSSY. I used to lose everything of it. And that's not got for me, and my school life.

Zipper Ultimate Folder with Union Jack Flag Folder inside

I paired this notebook system with a zipper ultimate folder. I found this one very helpful, but yeah.. MESSY again. The point is, helpful when it rushed, but messsy at all when you realized. So, I recommend to used this for every single class that you have. So, you're not mixed everything at all. Or you can only have one and inside it you can fill it with your paper folders, to make a separate subject. It works for me, without a mess, I guees :D

On, term III, I'll be back using the 1st method and combine it with Zipper Ultimate Folder. Because, the Binder system it's makes me organized with my notes and anything, even though it could be heavy, but, I'll take a risk for it. And for the Zipper Ultimate Folder, it's more comfy and saving my time to put all over my paper in one place and just divide it, in each folder.

Same Binder but, in a different color :)

Inner of it, notice how thick they're guys
My Review book, for upcoming exam

Same Zipper Ultimate Folder, But, I decided to buy another one
I hope, you guys like my newest post and find it helpful.. Thank you so much for keep checking this weird stuff in this site. hahaha

Happy School and Congrats for the new student, who will gonna be a Freshmen student as my brother. hahaha

Happy School and Love


You can also find me on :

Twitter : @ChickaArchie
Instagram : @ChickaArchie

David Archuleta - My Kind Of Perfect