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Friday 20 July 2012

How I prioritize my school life *misscelaneous

Lol.. I know it's kinda nerd at all. But, sometimes people get so stressed and confused about their school life. But, don;t worry guys. I will give you some tips that I always use about ages. Start when I understand how I spelled ABC's. haha

This tips will be divided as 2 words. DO and DON'T.


1. Your Homework's
It's really important to all of you guys doing your Homework's or tasks like that. They (The teacher or Professor) gave you that things, just because they wants you to understand and test your skill in that subject. No pressure no stressed. So, you can work it as you can exercise your self.

2. Studying before next class
Always studying, to know it first. So, when your teacher comin' trough to your class and they give you quizzes, you already study it before, you can raise your hand and answer it well. If you still don't understand about that, you can ask your friends or your teacher as well.

3. Prepare your books the night before
Preparing books, pencil pouch, bag and stuff like that it's really important. So, you really have a time to check all of them done well in your bag. No stuff was left behind.


1. Sleep to late
Sleep to late, make your body is UN-energized. You will feel so sleepy at class, and lost your concentrate to your subject. Seriously, that's stupid.

2. Study just when the EXAM in front of your eyes
This one is stupid method if you do it. I bet you will rushing and forgot all about your material that you read. Try to study in this method, if you already study the days or weeks before. I always gave myself due. Like 7 days before. So, I can prepare the other subject.

3.  Come late at school
Come late, you will feel UN-organize and abandoned by your friends and your teacher. And makes your behavior in your report card D or E. Awful :(
Get up early make your body fresh and energized.

So, that's is. All my tips that I always used in along my life.
Hope you guys get the point and I'll see you in my another blog tips. Okay..
Happy Day all.. 

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