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Friday 20 July 2012

How I prioritize my school life *misscelaneous

Lol.. I know it's kinda nerd at all. But, sometimes people get so stressed and confused about their school life. But, don;t worry guys. I will give you some tips that I always use about ages. Start when I understand how I spelled ABC's. haha

This tips will be divided as 2 words. DO and DON'T.


1. Your Homework's
It's really important to all of you guys doing your Homework's or tasks like that. They (The teacher or Professor) gave you that things, just because they wants you to understand and test your skill in that subject. No pressure no stressed. So, you can work it as you can exercise your self.

2. Studying before next class
Always studying, to know it first. So, when your teacher comin' trough to your class and they give you quizzes, you already study it before, you can raise your hand and answer it well. If you still don't understand about that, you can ask your friends or your teacher as well.

3. Prepare your books the night before
Preparing books, pencil pouch, bag and stuff like that it's really important. So, you really have a time to check all of them done well in your bag. No stuff was left behind.


1. Sleep to late
Sleep to late, make your body is UN-energized. You will feel so sleepy at class, and lost your concentrate to your subject. Seriously, that's stupid.

2. Study just when the EXAM in front of your eyes
This one is stupid method if you do it. I bet you will rushing and forgot all about your material that you read. Try to study in this method, if you already study the days or weeks before. I always gave myself due. Like 7 days before. So, I can prepare the other subject.

3.  Come late at school
Come late, you will feel UN-organize and abandoned by your friends and your teacher. And makes your behavior in your report card D or E. Awful :(
Get up early make your body fresh and energized.

So, that's is. All my tips that I always used in along my life.
Hope you guys get the point and I'll see you in my another blog tips. Okay..
Happy Day all.. 

Thursday 19 July 2012

Folders or Clear Holder? *misscelaneous

Hey guys. I will still updating about education stuff, because that stuff is my passion after MUSIC <3 lol.

Okay. So, some people in my school earlier asked me about this method. Which one better chicka?

Using Folders or using Clear Holder. I myself love using clear holder than using folder. Seriously, because if I use Folders it's always ripped and broken stuff like that. So, I hate it. If happen like that, I have to cost so much money to get the new one all the time. So, I used Clear Holder A4 and F4 Size. A4 too keep my entire tasks that the teacher gave me, and for the F4 size, I use to keep all my papers and preparing when I go to the lab, if I had some research. Just, need medium butterfly pins to clip all your paper when you need to clip your paper. So, they will never fallin' of. And you can use F4 Clear Holder as lab/ field table or what's call it. Idk. haha something like that.  It's get you more efficient and save so much space in your bag and save so much your money. Because, clear holder is durable. And you can re-use as long the sheet protector on it didn't ripped as well.

Okay, hope you guys like my tips. And you can choose whether using Folders or Clear Holders. Which one can make you happy and burning when you were studying.

Okay.. ciao :D
Chicka here :)

Monday 16 July 2012

How To Saving Your Money while you wants to buy School Supplies or Shopping stuff *misscelaneous

I hope this tips really helps you guys when you need to re-supplies your school stuff or buy another one. I used this method really ages. Since I was kindergarten maybe, and 'till right now, this method really helping me save my money well.

1. Shopping List Notebook:

When you need to buy something, you should write it down on your shopping list notebook. Just have it in A6 size as mine or whatever you'd like,and write anything that you really really need. So, you don't spend a lot of your money for nothing.

2. Use cash:

Don't ever cross in your mind using debit card or credit card. Because, when you were shopping some stuff you may forget something and you use those cards. It could be damage your financial point. Use a budget cash whether you can imagine the price of your budget. Seriously, it's saving your financial management.

P.s : If your debit or credit card have a offered you can use it as proper as well.

3. Coupon: 

If you had some coupons that you printing or some stuff like that, don't be shy to use it. It's really save your financial much.

 4. Sale:

This is really good deal when you were shop something 20%, 50%, 70% why not.

Okay, I hope you guys helping so much with my tips that I always used in my entire life. hahaha
I hope it guides you well.

Love, peace and hugs

Chicka :D

Saturday 7 July 2012

"The Preview #3" *DAInfo

Sorry, I got this a little bit late. Because I've got some things to have done. hahaha Okay, let's straight to the point. Here's DA newest snippet of his BEGIN album tracklist.

1. Somewhere Only We Know
2. True Colors
3. Don't Give Up

You can also check and hear for more in here

Wednesday 4 July 2012

How to choose essential needs + School/College Needs + Tips *miscellaneous

Hey everyone. I know this summer is almost ended. So, let's chillin' to gets some school/college needs + tips.

I know, every person must be needs this things. Start with pencils, pens and whatever they want.
So, I just want to you to know that buying so many supplies it's really.. really.. really.. outta hands.
And I just want to give some needs and tips for you guys, how to choose the essential needs for your Back to
school series.

1. Notebook/Binder

a)You really need to buy notebooks for your writing section. Seriously, this is important things that
the students most have in their bag.
b)Or you can use a binder with dividers tab + loose leaf, to combine all your classes.
But, for me I prefer use both of it. 'Cause sometimes when the teacher said what ".." I write it in my own binder.
or I can write it next due research. For notebook I use it for teacher homework or something when my teacher
needs to hand it my notebook. So, I still can read or preview it again in my binder.

You can buy 3 or 5 notebooks. It's depend how many classes that you were taking on your school or college or you can
choose binders as your classes with some dividers.

2. Pens

You guys need to buy a pack of it. 'Cause without pens you were nothing to do with it. haha

You could bring this things. Maybe 2 or 3 just in case when it get lost you still have in your back up place. Aka your pocket bag or pencil pouch.
I used to bring 3 black pens. one in blue and one in red.
Or if you really likes using so many colorful pens, that's fine.
I prefer using 3 black pens, one in blue and one in red.

3. Mechanic or Normal Pencils

You really need it guys. Seriously. You can choose it whether you use Mechanical Pencil like me or normal pencil.
As you wish.

If you use mechanical pencil, I really recommend it. Don't bring this thing so many. Maybe 2 it's enough.
You could buy it in pack. But, in a pack means that you can keep the other for your back up supplies.
If they start to ran out, you can put your lead on it.
I myself usually pick just one mechanical pencil with a pack of lead.

If you use the normal pencil. You can bring it 2 or 3 pencils. Don't forget to bring your pencil sharpener as well.
But, I really rare to using it beside I've got an exam. I choose 2B for it. It's helps me well than I used
my mechanical pencil for it.

4. Eraser

Ah.. this is my best friend. Whenever I write it some essay and I made a mistake. It helps me so well. You need to purchase it guys. lol

Bring it one on your pencil pouch. Seriously. haha
I have no tips anymore for it. Sorry...

5. Highlighters

THIS ONE IS MY BEST FRIEND FOREVER. Yuhhuu... I really loved to using it since ages. hahaha
It's make my study easier and reminiscing. lol and make my notebooks colorful.
I used in different colors for different subject too.

Using highlighters, make your study time is organizable. Like you know what you should rad, what your teacher said.
And what the pages you should read it well and remember. And makes your notebooks is colorful.
the key is, you should using this thing in so many colorful.

5. Post-it Notes and Post-it Tabs


I used this thing so many times ago. Still working 'till right now actually. And I really need to buy this thing again.
Because my old post-it notes and post-it tabs was ran out. Need to get it.

a)Post-it notes: Using for your reminder or to do list. It has every colors that you'll like it.
b)Post-it tabs : Using this if you need to mark up your latest pages or you tabbing something important. 

6. Wite-Out
It's definitely need this one. Just in case you've made a bad mark on your notebook, you can delete it with this one.
You can use the tape one or liquid one.

Keep this Wite-Out from the direct sun. So, best place is in your pencil pouch. Just basic tips. haha

7. Pencil Pouch
It's really necessary to keep all your things organized.

Choose the pencil pouch in medium size, So you don't waste a place in your bag. or if the pencil case tiny/small. I'm afraid it can't hold everything you need in there.

8. Planner Book

Planner book. Is everything in my life. I used to write all my reminder and my tasks in there. And I always feel so organized in everything. Reminder, research schedule, tasks and everything.

Tips : 
You can choose your planner book in my size or B5 size. Too small planner book it makes your hand writing it's not to obvious. So, that's why, I really high recommend using B5 Planner Book. Seriously, it's really important to always keep on your bag. Whether you're student or Worker.

So, that's all.
How to choose essential needs + School/College Needs + Tips.
Hope this article was inspired the you guys as the reader. haha and hopes it helping.
Thanks guys and ciao.
Chicka :D

“Somewhere Only We Know” Preview *DAInfo

So guys, Kari Sellards just uploading newest info. And here they are.
Hope you guys enjoy it :D

or you can also check in here :"
David Archuleta - My Kind Of Perfect