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Wednesday 9 May 2012

What's and Tips for Essential Things Inside of School Bag *miscellaneous

Here's some pics and couple tips What's and Tips for Essential Things Inside of School Bag. It's just couple pictures showed. I'm sorry if I can show to you guys with video. lol. But, I'm sure this pictures will gonna help you out to decide which one is important and which one is not. So here's some pics and tips too.

1. Purse or Backpack 

- You can use your backpack or purse bla..bla..bla.. like that into the school. But, you should keep notice you must bring only essential part for your school. Leave it all unnecessary things, that make your back and your shoulders feel painful and fatigue. 
- Choose the best backpack with the good backstop on it. It's make your shoulders not pain. Actually it works for me. 'Cause I used backpack mostly than purse.
*P.s : If you choose the purse, make sure it comfy :)

2. Couple of Binders

- This one is really helps me, when I need to write couple things I need for any classes. But, usually I wrote it for Biology, Chemistry, Physic and English classes. 'Cause my teachers in those subject, like to write and a write and a write. So, I need to focused on and write it down into that Binder.
- Separate it for the subject that you've been taking. So, it's not blended all over it. It makes you head dizzy if you want to find which one the subject that you've gonna work on it. You can use like colorful bookmarks if inside the Binder you can't find the original bookmarks on it, but I think is impossible. haha. 'Cause every Binder, it has bookmarks itself.

3. Pencils and Pens Holder (And inside it)

- This thing is very very important to my school time. I always never forget to bring this one into the school. Because... if I didn't bring it up, I makes sure that I can't do nothing at all. And I felt guilty. How undisciplined I am :(. 
- Always bring this item, if you don't have any holder like that, you could throw them up into your backpack pocket :)
- If you want to get easier in study, make sure you bring every color of pens of anything, so you can write them out in different colors. Actually, it helps your brain memorized it well. If you're Visual student as me. Actually, I'm on three types. haha Visual, Auditory and Kinematic. haha 

So, here's the lists. What inside it :

- Pens 
 (2 Black, a red, a blue)
- Mechanic Pencils
 (Yellow : 0,5 mm and Blue : 0,7 mm)
- An Eraser
- A liquid corrector pen
- A black pen marker
- A pencil sharpener 
- A 15cm ruler
- A lead mechanic pencil

5. Medium *Big Things* Holder  

- As me student, I always bring this holder instead my Pencils and Pens Holder too and this one it has everything that I really need inside it. Because, I can't blended all my stuff in one place. It's really frustrating me.  haha. I should ready for everything like popping scissors or stapler and etc.
- Bring it when you need. But, if you want to be a practical more, you can buy a big Pencils and Pens Holder, so you can keep it all there become one. 

 So, here's the lists. What inside it :
- A Stapler
- A Scotch tape
- A Scissors 
- A Glue Stick
- A Flash Disk
- Loose Leaf
- etc..
6. Scrap File and Big File

- I always used this file to keep something important even though, I used my Big File to keep it. But, it's make me easier to review my subject after school time wherever I go. 
- You can use this one or leave it home if you don't need it. But, for me this scrap file was very very essential
7. Organizer Note Book

- This is essential part to for school time. 'Cause I need to write every homework, what should I do tomorrow and etc. This one always makes myself keep organized at all. 
- Bring it when you need it much as I am. But, don't forget it to bring it with medium size. If you buy it in small size, I'm afraid if you forget it and lost middle of nowhere. That's dangerous. AND if you buy the large size, you will know what's going on right. It's make your organizer barrier in your backpack and impractical. Because, your organizer is too big.

8. Scientific Calculator

- As I am stand in Math and Physic class, I need to bring this little buddy called SciCalc. Haha. That the name that I give to her. This one is important in my life to calculate some Math and Physic problem. Like Logarithm and so on. 
- I really recommend this, if you there stand in Science class as me. Seriously, it's definitely IMPORTANT.  
9. Water 

- And oh.. is really. I always dehydrated or sometimes I felt sleepy during my school time, so I always bring this bottle or I'm not sure is a bottle but, whatever in my backpack side pocket. So, I can easier to drink it all the time whenever and wherever and also makes my eyes WOW!!. haha
- Bring a bottle of water. It helps you out when you start to thirsty or sleepy during the school sections. Because, in fact water can help the sleepy problem. I read it in some articles.

10. Fingerless Gloves and Ankle Socks 

- This two things always make me feel warm when the air start windy or cold. So, I always bring it down in to my backpack. Which is I put into my front pouch of my backpack. 
- If you wants to your hands and feet keep warm, don't forget to bring it them all and choose the neutral color. So, it can fit with every jacket, hoodie or coat that you were wearing :)
11. Coins Pouch

- My parents always give me a Lunch Money that I used to buy something the cafeteria and I kept them into my Coins Pouch. Because, it's make me easier to pulled out some cash or some coin to buy it. 
- If you don't need your coins pouch that was okay. 'Cause this is always important to not popping a extra cash in your wallet. I just make it easier in your way :)

12. Feminine Pouch

- In this section I as a girl, always bring this thing wherever I go. Cause I always kept my Feminine Pouch to keep my things as you know. And this is really important for every girl out there. 
- If you don't want to be embarrassed, you can bring a medium pouch inside your backpack or purse to keep in touch with your feminine product
*P.s : For the boys, I think you shouldn't bring it that's fine. lol

13. Medicines 

- I bring this thing wherever I go. 'Cause I really had serious problem with my throat and ulcer sometimes came back to me. Bah.. I really hate it. But, this is me :(
So, I bring of my medicines in everywhere. Just like a feckless girl :(
- You may have to bring it if you had a serious problem as me. Because, is really important to make your body keep healthy and stronger :)

 So, here's the lists. What inside it :

- A mouth and throat antiseptic spray "Coolin_5"
- A bottle of aromatherapy relaxing oil "Lemonade"
- A bottle of  relaxing oil "Oleum Cajuputi"
- "NuLife" Low Calorie Sugar
- Prevention of Ulcer drug
- Vitamin C @50mg

14. Baby Wipes


- I choose Cussons Baby with Cucumber Extract and Alcohol Free to keep me when I go in the somewhere places which is don't have any hand washes, so I used this to keep my hands and my lips clean and sterilize. I don't used any Hand Sanitizer to clean it, 'Cause I think Baby Wipes is more handy than Hand Sanitizer. lol
- If you out there wore a Hand Sanitizer that's absolutely okay. It's just about choices between Baby Wipes or Hand Sanitizer. 
- Bring one of them both. Baby Wipes or Hand Sanitizer. You don't need to bring all of them, Because those thing sometimes you guys don't realized make your bag feel so HEAVY. Even though isn't big as Binder.

15. Music Stuff Box

- You know guys. how much I love Music, so I always bring all this stuff wherever I go and I can't stop listen to in wherever and whenever I stand it. Yeah, you right except in classroom. haha
In my school policy, the phone should be turn off or silent mode so they can't bothering you in the class with rings or vibrate.
- You should bring it guys. As I am. Bring your iPod or Zune whatever. Seriously, music can makes your life colorful and more LIVE. hahaha
Someone always told me how much he love music so much as me. lol

 So, here's the lists. What inside it :

- An iPhone
- Beats by dr. Dre Earphone (Red)
- Zune

So, that was all stuff that I usually I bring to school.
I hope that couple tips too, will be helping you guys to re-organize your backpack or purse :)
Love you guys :)

Tuesday 8 May 2012

Semi Formal and Candid Style *miscellaneous

Here's some pic's when I took Photoshoot

Place and time :
(Home Studio 2nd Floor)
May 5th 2012 ; 10.35 AM

The outfits that I used :

Black Lace Dress
Plaid Skirt w/ belt included
Grey top blazer
Black Bangle 
Cream Flower Bandana
Jeansy Dark Buckle Boots

Jeansy Vest Light Blue
3/4 Denim Blue Jeans
White Top Sheer Shirt
Baby Blue Pearl Bracelet
Key and Heart Bracelet
Camel Toe Flips Flops


I took this picture on May 5th 2012 about 8 PM, and I found this moon size is unusual. And I thought before, it was Supermoon now. So, I saw my own calendar and I found tomorrow is Wesak Day.
So, this is the picture ....

Here's the explanation of Supermoon

A supermoon is the coincidence of a full moon or a new moon with the closest approach the Moon makes to the Earth on its elliptical orbit, resulting in the largest apparent size of the moon's disk as seen from Earth. The technical name is the perigee-syzygy of the Earth-Moon-Sun system. The term "supermoon" is not an astronomical one, but one that originated in modern astrology. The association of the Moon with both oceanic and crustal tides has led to claims that the supermoon phenomenon may be associated with increased risk of events such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. However, the evidence of such a link is widely held to be unconvincing.


The Moon's distance varies each month between approximately 357,000 kilometers (222,000 mi) and 406,000 km (252,000 mi) due to its elliptical orbit around the Earth (distances given are center-to-center)
The size and brightness of an object follows an inverse-square law, which means that a full moon at perigee is 12% larger and 30% brighter than an average full moon. However, because the offset of the moon's orbit versus its phases is only two days, this change in appearance is gradual from month to month and therefore is not usually noticeable to a casual observer.


The name SuperMoon was coined by astrologer Richard Nolle in 1979, arbitrarily defined as:
...a new or full moon which occurs with the Moon at or near (within 90% of) its closest approach to Earth in a given orbit (perigee). In short, Earth, Moon and Sun are all in a line, with Moon in its nearest approach to Earth.
The term supermoon is not widely accepted or used within the astronomy or scientific community, who prefer the term perigee-syzygy or perigee moon. Perigee is the point at which the Moon is closest in its orbit to the Earth, and syzygy is a full or new moon, when the Earth, the Moon and the Sun are aligned. Hence, a supermoon can be regarded as a combination of the two, although they do not perfectly coincide each time. On average, about once a year the moon becomes full within a few hours of perigee.

Effect on tides

The combined effect of the Sun and Moon on the Earth's oceans, the tide, is greatest when the Moon is either new or full. At lunar perigee the tidal force is somewhat stronger, resulting in perigean spring tides. But even at its most powerful this force is still relatively weak causing tidal differences of inches at most.
As the tidal force follows an inverse-cube law, that force is 18% greater than average. However, because the actual amplitude of tides varies around the world, this may not translate into a direct effect.
It has been claimed that the supermoon of 19 March 2011 was responsible for the grounding of five ships in the Solent in the UK, but such claims are not supported by scientific evidence.

Natural disasters

Certain prognosticators have moved the goalposts to within 1 or 2 weeks of a supermoon to suggest a causal relationship with specific natural disasters such as the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami and the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami. However in both cases the Moon was actually farther from the Earth than average. No evidence has been found of any correlation with major earthquakes.


  1. ^ [1]
  2. ^ [ "No Link Between 'Super Moon' and Earthquakes" at]
  3. ^ Meeus, Jean (1997). Mathematical Astronomy Morsels. Richmond, Virginia: Willmann-Bell. p. 15. ISBN 0-943396-51-4.
  4. ^ a b c Plait, Phil (March 11, 2011). "No, the 'supermoon' didn't cause the Japanese earthquake". Discover Magazine. Retrieved 14 March 2011.
  5. ^ Hawley, John. "Appearance of the Moon Size". Ask a Scientist. Newton. Retrieved 14 March 2011; no publication date.
  6. ^ Nolle, Richard. "Supermoon". Astropro. Retrieved 14 March 2011; no publication date; modified March 10, 2011.
  7. ^ a b Phillips, Tony (May 2, 2012). "Perigee "Super Moon" On May 5-6". NASA Science News. NASA. Retrieved 6 May 2012.
  8. ^ Plait, Phil (2008). "Tides, the Earth, the Moon, and why our days are getting longer". Bad Astronomy. Retrieved 14 March 2011; modified March 5, 2011.
  9. ^ "Apogee and Perigee of the Moon". Moon Connection. Retrieved 14 March 2011; no publication date.
  10. ^ Rice, Tony (4 May 2012). "Super moon looms Saturday". WRAL-TV. Retrieved 5 May 2012.
  11. ^ Supermoon blamed for stranding five ships in Solent”, retrieved 23 March 2011
  12. ^ Paquette, Mark (March 1, 2011). "Extreme Super (Full) Moon to Cause Chaos?". Astronomy Weather Blog. AccuWeather. Retrieved 14 March 2011;.
  13. ^ "Is the Japanese earthquake the latest natural disaster to have been caused by a supermoon?". The Daily Mail. March 11, 2011. Retrieved 14 March 2011.
  14. ^ "Can the position of the Moon affect seismicity?". The Berkeley Seismological Laboratory. 1999. Retrieved 14 March 2011.
  15. ^ Fuis, Gary. "Can the position of the moon or the planets affect seismicity?". U.S. Geological Survey: Earthquake Hazards Program. Retrieved 14 March 2011; no publication date.
  16. ^ Wolchover, Natalie (March 9, 2011). "Will the March 19 "SuperMoon" Trigger Natural Disasters?". Life's Little Mysteries. Retrieved 15 March 2011.
  17. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Let's BEGIN-ing

Hey,, guys.. It's good to back here. Well I just want to spread this information.
Can't wait to BEGIN #August7th2012

I can't wait it either. haha.
Keep safe and sound David :)
David Archuleta - My Kind Of Perfect